IP Pathways is a full-service technology consulting and solutions provider. We help organizations leverage IT to drive business growth.

Our differentiator is our people. We focus on investing in our engineering training, building consultant-led account teams, and ultimately understanding how to align financial objectives with IT services to help companies scale. We only succeed when our clients succeed and that will remain at the heart of what we do.

A little about where IP Pathways began, we launched as a traditional value-added reseller in 2007. We were the organization you could come to if you needed to procure new hardware for your data center.  We quickly became known as the “VDI Guys” or the “Infrastructure Wizards”. And we are still that team. For organizations that aren’t ready to move their workloads to the cloud, we are still experts at evaluating their options for data center infrastructure.

Fifteen years later, we have significantly evolved from a traditional VAR.

In 2014, we purchased a data center in the suburbs of Des Moines. Owning a former Sprint -Nextel facility on the corridor of I-80 & I-35 means we have tremendous access to bandwidth and internet services. As of today, we have over 50 carriers in our data center giving our clients many options coupled with ultra-low latency.

Then we focused on building solutions.

We created AdaptiveCloud™ an innovative cloud platform that combines engineering expertise with significantly lower infrastructure cost than many hyper scalers. More than a platform, it’s a complete cloud solution for primary workloads integrating infrastructure, migration, and technical expertise.

Recently, IP Pathways’ managed services has experienced exponential growth due to the hardware and IT talent shortages. Many of the organizations we serve have struggled to fill key roles and the demand for our managed services has skyrocketed. We’ve stepped up to manage day-to-day technology challenges so they can get back to focusing on revenue.

Reflecting on our history, you can see IP Pathways is customer focused. Our product development is driven by the needs of our customers who are searching for easy-to-use, cost-effective solutions. We listen and will continue to create innovative services to solve their challenges in IT. Our motto was then as it still is today, “Do whatever it takes for the customer.”


Are you ready to gain a strategic partner to find the solutions for your technology challenges? Schedule a Meeting Here.

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