We are currently working with several critical access hospitals in the Midwest that are hiring managed services providers to solve their current IT challenges. Our most recent case is a hospital in Nebraska that is outsourcing its information technology department to 100% managed services with IP Pathways. 

They had on-premise equipment and on-premise support, but couldn’t keep IT resources there because they are rural and the local talent pool is almost non-existent. It left their organization vulnerable, and if neglected long enough might have led to a crippling data breach or cybersecurity incident.

They hired another managed service company that was doing remote support but failed. We were brought in to create a plan that allowed them to transition to a combination of on-premise managed services and data center services.

This hospital is an excellent example of the case for managed services and the kind of organization that benefits from a strategic partnership with us.

Their Challenges included:

1. They had no capital, so they need to transition to OPEX to maintain their infrastructure.
2. All their hardware was aging and approaching end-of-life.
3. They can’t keep talent resources and the costs are too high.
4. Staff Augmentation wasn’t effective.
5. Hybrid strategies failed.


This is where transitioning to 100% managed services with IP Pathways was the perfect solution. It solved all their current challenges while planning for their future. We started with our consultative approach, where we listened to their current challenges and our team of engineering experts built a custom solution for their business. 

Our plan involved a phased migration to managed services over a period of time. As hardware ages out and needs to be replaced, we will support their shift to a combination of on-premise and cloud-based fully managed services.

In healthcare, there is always going to be a need to keep some capabilities on-premise. Creating a hybrid strategy allows the hospital to keep critical information like radiology on-premise to meet the needs of the organization.

They didn’t need to continue to spin their wheels in the battle of finding and retaining the IT talent needed to manage their critical data and remain in compliance with HIPPA.

By relying on our deep network of engineering experts, we were able to help this hospital protect its data and remain more secure while empowering its staff with a vast array of devices to continue to treat patients. We removed the burden from their shoulders and got them back to business. We can help you too. 


Are you ready to gain a strategic partner to find the solutions for your technology challenges? Schedule a Meeting Here.

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